What is a Smart Port ?

We collect and gather tons of data from various sources such as vessel position, weather, currents, wildlife, and much more.

Thanks to our AI algorithms based on advanced machine learning, we compute, combine & analyze to get the key performance indicators out of the data. Our AI algorithms only get better with time and constantly improve their performance.

You just have to click to easily consult your real-time or historical data and reports in the SINAY Hub which gives you access to all modules directly through your browser, among which: air quality, water quality, aerial noises, underwater acoustics, or ETA… 

Smart Port Data AI

How to Become a Smart Port with Sinay ?

To become a Smart Port, ports must adapt a strategy to become digital. Thanks to companies like Sinay, this is becoming easier.  

With the Sinay Hub, ports can become smarter with logistic and environmental tracking and real-time indicators, bringing your port up to the next level.  

Logistic Modules


Sinay’s Logistic Modules employ historical data from AIS equipment and real-time data, which is used by ports and shipping managers to minimize port congestion, find optimum shipping routes, and reduce fuel consumption. This reduces costs and helps the environment.   

Environmental Modules

Water quality, air, and noise sensors allow you to progress towards the sustainable development of your port.
Smart Port systems are more environmentally friendly and can comply with regulations. 

The Inventory Workshop Approach

Sinay also offers the Inventory Workshop Approach which is a more personalized approach. We take inventory of current port assets and data to know which module best suits your port’s strategy.

smart port environmental management system

Sinay Helps Ports Use Advanced Technologies to Become Smart Ports

To summarize: the Sinay Hub brings all your sensors’ data together in a single digital place.  

Its systems technology comprised of various smart modules allows you to improve the performance of every aspect of your port.   

Using these technologies, your port’s organizational and digital infrastructure becomes smarter.   

The Sinay Hub also produces automatic digital reports which provide you with valuable performance data in real-time. This means that whether your focus is managing your logistics or relates to an environmental project, you can benefit from smart indicators that enable you to make smart decisions. 

Smart Port Strategy to Improve your Port Image ​

Regulations are becoming stricter locally and on an international level. Consequently, ports must implement new sustainability policies to comply with these new regulations.  

The Sinay Hub helps your port to easily reach the level of compliance required and even to exceed it. Indeed, you will be able to highlight your initiatives and the commitment of your port for sustainability.  

With the Sinay Hub, you can create automated reports to make it easier to communicate your actions to the stakeholders of your projects and to any administrative or regulatory bodies. Demonstrate and prove that your port is standing up for a more sustainable, greener future and a better integration of your industry among the people of your city council and city community. 

smart port data logistics technologies

Smart Port Benefits

Companies like Sinay encourage maritime actors to integrate digital solutions into their business activities to stay in touch with modern trends for success.

smart port efficiency and turnaround time

Utilize port infrastructure to full capacity

smart port digital data

Improve Environmental Performance

smart port data technology

Improve Logistic Efficiency

containers port

Improve Relations with Hinterlands

Take the step to enhance your maritime activities

Read More about Smart Ports