
Curious about how the maritime industry affects the environment? Do you know how environmental monitoring systems work? Water, air, and noise quality affect all forms of life, and environmental awareness is the key to understand how to make maritime activities more attractive and helpful for surrounding communities. As the world population becomes more aware of its ecological footprint, maritime actors such as ports and shipping companies need to understand the environmental impacts of their activities.

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Environmental Monitoring

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Environmental Monitoring

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Why Should I Care About the Environment?

We may not always realize it, but the environment affects us every day both long term and short term. 

As 90 percent of goods are shipped by sea, evidently the maritime sector has a big impact on economic activity and equally a big impact on the environment. With maritime activities and environmental impacts increasing every year, we must care more about the Earth’s health. 

When ports and shipping companies focus on reducing their environmental impacts, they also increase their business efficiency. For example, when shipping companies use less fuel or other sources of energy, they are reducing their environmental impact while decreasing costs. When ports focus on reducing port congestion, they reduce fuel emissions which helps the surrounding community, yet they also make their port more efficient. Caring for the environment in fact cultivates economic growth while positively impacting the human population, marine life, and wildlife.

The maritime industry must also prepare for non-renewable resources to continue to decrease. They must therefore use renewable and less harmful energy sources. This switch is often digital, encompassing Smart Ports and Smart Ships. 

Human health, natural resources, the ecosystem, economic growth, and future generations are all impacted by how we treat our environment. 

What Is Environmental Monitoring?

Environmental monitoring uses real-time data, Artificial Intelligence, and advanced monitoring systems connected to sensors to give key environmental indicators so that maritime actors can reduce pollution and decrease environmental impacts. These key indicators help measure air, water, and noise pollution.

Digitalization and real-time data allow maritime actors to more efficiently measure environmental impacts than with past techniques that only use sampling and lab tests.

Environmental monitoring helps maritime actors to assess risk and generate risk assessment and impact reports. It also helps maritime actors to have more support from the surrounding community. 

Environmental monitoring reduces the short-term and long-term environmental impacts of maritime activities, contributing to more national support for ports and shipping companies. 

Digital automated monitoring systems are essential for the future of maritime activities and the future of the impact on air, water, and noise quality for the human population.

The demand for environmental monitoring is increasing worldwide, and there exist many types of environmental monitoring analyses including water quality monitoring, air quality monitoring, and noise quality monitoring.